Is it possible to do all 23 Things in less than a week? Yes.
The Finatic started to post on Tuesday, March 20, and finished the 23 Things on Sunday, March 25. Most of it was done on Saturday night and Sunday afternoon.
The Finatic was reluctant at first to participate in the Learning 2.0 program. The Finatic still thinks that some of the Things were unnecessary. However, the Finatic did enjoy learning about a lot of the Things. The Finatic's favorite was learning how to post videos into the blog and how to use the Zoho tools. The Finatic can't wait to use the Zoho writer and presenter for classes, especially since the Finatic has to work on group projects where the team turns in a single paper.
One of the Finatic's favorite things about the blog is that it is now easier to share the Finatic's thoughts, pictures, and favorite videos/websites with friends all around. One of the Finatic's best friends lives in Tokyo, so now the Finatic can just post on the blog instead of sending Finatic14's friend a million e-mails a month. It's also great for the Finatic's family who live in other parts of the country.
Will Finatic use this technology for work? Probably not. Finatic is very excited about the application for personal communication and for classes, but cannot see how Library 2.0 will help Finatic catch up on incompletes, missing inserts and so on. Besides, a blog's use for advertising is only as strong as the readers who follow it. If nobody cares in the first place then blogs and other tools aren't very useful for encouraging interaction with our customers.
In conclusion, here is how the Finatic would rate each of the 23 things:
1: Read blog entry & listen to podcast- Easy
2: Pointers from lifelong learners- Easy. Finatic knows people in their eighties who are learning this stuff, but Finatic also believes that adults should not be treated like children by forcing them to learn something that is not an absolute requirement for them to retain their jobs. A good organization respects individual freedom and the skills that make them valuable. The Finatic thought that this was why Library 2.0 was voluntary, and is now confused as to why many supervisors are making this required when it takes away from time that staff could be using to accomplish projects or goals that are of higher priority. This should only be required for those who do programming and outreach (i.e. librarians), and recommended for clerical if things are completely caught up (which never seems to happen because everyone has been so shortstaffed).
3: Create a blog- Easy. Welcome to the world of Finatic14
4: Register with Virtual Services Team- Easy and done
5: Create Flick r account- Easy and done
6: Flick r 3rd party sites- Easy. Really liked the bubble editor and the Warholizer
7: Tech Related Blog- Easy since Finatic likes cell phones and cell phones are technology
8: RSS feeds- Mixed experience. Bloglines gave the Finatic a hard time with the username, so the Finatic got frustrated, but once Finatic figured out what was wrong, this was not so hard to do.
9: Library related feeds/blogs- Easy, but runs into the problem that most new scholars encounter- how do you separate useful, good information (peer-reviewed or professional) from other, less reliable sources
10: Image Generators-Easy and was able to create the image of Spidey singing his own theme song
11: Web 2.0 Winners- Very fun and easy, and was able to combine the YouTube step (Thing 20) with this step
12: Rollyo- Easy, and may be useful for creating limited searches based on a specific subject
13: Easy, and very useful for people who have system crashes or change ISPs a lot
14: Technorati- Easy, but don't really see the point when you have so many other tools available.
15: Perspectives on 2.0- Easy step... interesting comments
16: Albany & SJCPL Wikis- Liked Albany's, esp. video tutorials for wikis. SJCPL was cool for genre searches.
17: Wikis- Easy, plus it's fun to edit others if you have the password
18: Zoho- Very easy and very cool- can't wait to use Zoho for school
19: LibraryThing- Easy, disappointing because only one of the Finatic's books was
20: YouTube- Easy and lots of fun! Mixed Thing 20 with Thing 11.
21: Podcasts- Mixed- video podcasts and RSS feeds were easy, but Finatic couldn't figure out how to post an audio podcast
22: E-books- Easy- been using e-books for a while now. It's harder to teach customers how to use them because the PAC doesn't load Adobe reader.
23: Final Write-up- Well, that would be this one, so it's very easy.
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