Ever have a test like this?

Saturday, March 24, 2007
The Finatic's classmates always roll their eyes at the Finatic's multi-tasking, but the Finatic is still able to get all the Finatic's schoolwork done.
Library Thing
The Finatic was sad to learn that the Finatic's favorite books weren't very popular... there were no discussions. Don't people read Sci-fi or Fantasy?
Zoho Writer Practice
The Finatic always wanted to insert smileys into a post. It looks like this is a great way to do it. Talk about simple.
The Finatic can't wait to use Zoho to work on joint documents and other projects with classmates and colleagues. The Finatic thinks that this is great for authors who may be separated by space and still need to finish a project. Very exciting!
The Finatic has posted to WikiMaps branch information (hours, phone, etc.). The Finatic recently learned that the Youth Services librarians use a Wiki to post event information, so the Finatic thinks that other units in the library, as well as other city departments, should do something similar.
The Finatic had fun editing the http://sjlibrarylearning2.pbwiki.com/ wiki on the TV page. The Finatic really enjoys Heroes, so you may find the Finatic's random bit of knowledge included in the post.
The Finatic has elected not to tag the Finatic's posts.
The Finatic's Favorite 300 So Far
The Finatic thought 300 was a great movie (GO SPARTANS!) and that this trailer/clip is awesome!!!
Rollyo & Del.icio.us
The Finatic also thinks that Del.icio.us is very cool becuase the Finatic has experienced losing all the Finatic's bookmarks when the Finatic's computer crashes or internet provider has an "upgrade."
Web 2.0 Awards: YouTube and Mentos!
The Finatic followed the link to the Web 2.0 Awards and decided to explore YouTube. The Finatic thinks that YouTube is a great tool for people who want to publish videos, from home videos of science experiments (love the soft drink + Mentos fountains) to music videos. The Finatic thinks that there may be a library application for YouTube, such as for training programs that public and staff can access from home.
The Finatic was also able to combine Thing 11 with Thing 20 and is feeling very proud.
Friday, March 23, 2007
RSS feeds

Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Image generators

Flick r
Check it out under the bead art or warholizer functions.
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Got Flick r?
Finatic14 thinks Flick r is pretty cool. The Finatic hopes to post a Flick r mashup or other image later.
Finatic14 loves technology. The Finatic enjoys being able to communicate and share images and media with the Finatic's friends around the globe. When the Finatic was in Japan in 2001, the Finatic's jaw dropped at the sight of Japan's advanced cell phones; while the U.S. still had monochromatic bricks that weighed heavily on your hip, the Japanese had cell phones that were affordable, thin and lightweight and had full color animation and graphics. The Finatic is overjoyed that in the past 3 years, the U.S. has finally started to catch up. For instance, the Finatic thinks it's great to watch cell phone video footage on the nightly news or to share videos/pictures with friends around the country and around the world.
The Finatic mentions cell phones because of the speculation that Google will be introducing a smart phone comparable to the Apple IPhone or other devices, but with a perk virtually unheard of in business. The rumor is, according to CNBC on Friday 03/16/07, that the new Google phone would be free. The network and the phone itself would be paid for by the organizations who advertise on Google.
In terms of digital divide or socioeconomic issues, this may be a great solution. By having sponsors underwrite the cost of the network and the physical technology, the technology becomes available to more people. It was the money from sponsors that went into making radio and television affordable media, so why not do the same for cellular phones and the internet (Wi-Fi)?
The Finatic's question for today: Should advertisements be used to pay for the cost of new networks or technologies in order to make technology more accessible for all people? If this is successful, what impact will this have on advertising ethics and commercial competition?
Finatic14 BLOGS!

Finatic14 will be honest: the Finatic resists change. Part of the resistance to social networking technology is because the Finatic prefers traditional social networking. In case you've forgotten what that may mean, the Finatic is referring to face-to-face, person-to-person interaction. The Finatic has seen a lot (and the Finatic means A LOT) of people become addicted to on-line relationships, but the Finatic does not see the internet as a substitute for actual people.
Another part of the Finatic's resistance stems from the fact that Finatic14 has a very boring life and does not think that most people need to know just how boring the Finatic's life is.
Finatic14 wants to know what the blogosphere thinks: How has blogging improved or taken away from your relationships with other people? What impact has the anonymity of the Internet had on how you present yourself to the world via blogs, chats, forums, etc.?